Cessna 172 - Red Box Tools

Cessna 172

The Cessna 172 Skyhawk was first flown way back in 1955 and went on to become a firm favourite with everyone within the aviation industry. In fact, since the aircraft was first introduced, it has gone on to become the most built aircraft with more than 44,000 models being produced between 1956 and 2015, whilst the Cessna 172 is still in produced today.

Red Box is pleased to offer a great range of aviation tool kits, which are perfectly suited to the requirements of the Cessna 172 aircraft. This includes the popular RBI9400T mechanic hand trolley case complete with 161 BAHCO tools, tool foam inserts, and Pushpoint technology for unbeatable tool control.

View all recommended tool and avionics kits for the Cessna 172 aircraft below.

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