Sukhoi SJ100 Tool Kits | Red Box Tools

Sukhoi SJ100 Ground Power EquipmentThe Sukhoi Superjet 100 or SJ100 is a regional jet designed by the Russian company Sukhoi, introduced in the early 2000s. The Sukhoi SSJ100 was proposed as the first clean-sheet commercial aircraft design. In order to power the aircraft, there were engine modifications considered, with 4 different makes competing for this role. Subsequently the contract was given to NPO Saturn, for the SaM146 powerplant which was successfully configured for the role. The design was also optimised to be cost-effective for both maintenance and operation, with reduced fuel burn compared to any other contemporary aircraft of a smiliar size, while the sturdy construction allowing longer maintenance intervals.

Red Box is pleased to offer a wide selection of aviation tools and tool kits that have been designed alongside leading aircraft engineers to meet the daily maintenance tasks for the Sukhoi SJ100 aircraft.

This includes the popular RBI9400T mechanic hand trolley case complete with 161 BAHCO tools.

View all recommended tool and avionics kits for the Sukhoi SJ100 aircraft below.

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