BH Bespoke Cans - Custom foam for up-cycled Jerry Cans - Red Box Tools

BH Bespoke Cans have recently started working with Red Box Tools to create a new range of custom-made Jerry cans using their bespoke foam service. Far from the traditional use of a Jerry can, these containers have been up-cycled into personal mini bars created to hold a range of different beverages.

Previously made with a wooden interior, the owner of BH Bespoke Cans decided that his up-cycled Jerry cans were in need of a more secure design. He came to Red Box Tools for help in designing a new interior made from custom-made foam. This was to be cut exactly to the shape of the bottles, cans and glasses, creating a secure area for these items while maintaining the high quality of the can itself.

The customer had four different variants of the bespoke mini bars ready to share with Red Box Tools. This contained four designs with a detailed list of which items were to go in each variant. Red Box Tools then arranged the items depending on how they would best fit into the can, the specific design and according to the customer’s requirements. A detailed design was then produced in a PDF format and sent to the customer for his approval.

To create the foam layers used in the Jerry can mini bar, the team had to make 2D scans of the glasses and bottles. The foams were then cut on the CNC foam router to create the perfect size to fit each can. These foams contain release points to give easy access for removal of the items.

The owner of BH Bespoke cans is very pleased with his final product and is looking forward to working with Red Box Tools on future projects.

Custom foam kits are a great way to secure and organise existing tools, accessories and gadgets. For more details on the foam service Red Box Tools can provide, visit their website red-box-tools.local or call 02380 254 285 or email

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